It is the time to get the diamond status on Hilton Honors!Show you the process!

When I started to catch the diamond status since I offer Hilton Honors American Express Premium card on April 2021. Finally, I reached the Goal to become a diamond membership reward after achieving the description for a diamond membership which the card holders need to usage the card over 2,000,000 yen per year. In addition, it said that the diamond membership would be reflect on your site until 3 months after the achievement, however I got the Diamond status within 10 - 15 days since I achieved. Following article shows the process how I got the status. Let's check it on!  


What you can find in this article

1. Requirement for the Diamond Status Membership to the holders who have Hilton AMEX Premium Card
2. Progress on Hilton Status every month
3. Benefits for the Diamond Status Membership
4. Hilton Point Campaign for Hilton Honors Membership

It's amazing! How can you reach the Hilton Diamond Status Position!?

2021年4月よりヒルトンオナーズ アメリカンエキスプレス プレミアムカードを取得しました。
Hilton Premium Card Holders are required to use the amount of payment over 2,000,000 yen per year(from Jan to Dec) to become the Diamond Status Membership. When you overcome the requirement, the status would be reflect within 3 months.
if you wanna check the details of benefit of Hilton American Express Premium Card, please check the following site.


Amount of Points
Amount of Payment by CardTotal
36,000 yen840,000 yen450,000 yen450,000 yen780,000 yen2556,000 yen

Thanks to purchasing many products for the Diamond Status by my family members, we have covered the goal with rapid speed without thinking ever before. And we got Hilton Points around 150,000 total.

How is reflect on my status?

In my case, I pay the amount every 10th and I get the points on every20th. When I check the status on 20th Aug, it was Gold status, yet...

However, the status was changed, when I look up on my Hilton Apps on 25th Aug...

Horrey!!the Diamond Status was reflected on my screen!! This is Amazing!!
the timing of reflection on your site is within 3 months,
but in my case, the timing was within only 15 days when I achieved the requirement!! it is super speedy!!  *This case is just only personal case, so it might not ordinary pattern.

What is the benefit for Diamond status?

Now that you have upgraded your status, I would like to reconfirm what benefits are waiting for you.

The following are some of the unique Diamond benefits that could be specifically presented from the above chart.
1) Bonus points: +80% → +100%+100%
2) WI-FI: Standard → Premium プレミアム
3) Room Upgrade: up to Executive → up to Suite スイートまで
4) Access to Executive Lounge

1) Difference in the number of bonus points earned

The points (pts) for the two nights I earned for my stay at Hilton Nagoya, which I mentioned last time in the following page, was 20,622pts.

The breakdown is
 ・Base Points: 7,365 pts
 ・Gold Elite 80% Bonus: 5,892 pts
 ・Consecutive stay campaign : 7,365 pts
If I'm a Diamond member, 5,892pts would now earn 7,365pts, which means I would gain additional 1,473pts.
It won't have a big impact in the short term, but in the long run, it will be a gratifying 20% difference.

2) Benefit for WiFi

Premium WiFi benefits are listed as Diamond member benefits, but what is the difference compared to Standard WiFi?
*Note that this benefit is only available at Hilton-affiliated hotels that offer premium WiFi, and varies greatly depending on the environment.
Actual question is following;
- How is the Internet speed faster than Standard WiFi
- How is the Internet security safer than Standard WiFi
Is that either or both?
The quote from Hilton Spokesperson is thatby offering three times faster speed than standard WiFi, it is commented that the environment is ideally suited for video streaming and heavy file downloads.
This is because it may not be something that is heightened to the point of security.
The recommended environment for video streaming services such as youtube seems to require at least 1.1Mbps, although it depends on the picture quality. (4K quality requires 20Mbps or more)
Try to measure your home WiFi environment by searching for "Internet speed" and using the sites that come up.
Even though there is a difference in the download and upload figures, many of us may be able to download more than 100Mbps.
Incidentally, I had a meeting in my room at the Hilton with a ZOOM connection, but I was able to discuss both sides of the issue with no problem even with standard WiFi.
I will try to measure the speed of the room next time I stay at Hilton.

3) Upgrade Room

As mentioned in the Hilton Nagoya article above, I was a Gold member at the time, so I booked an executive room through HPCJ's discount plan.
However, the standard room, which was the cheapest, could also be available, and the difference was about 5,000 yen/night.
However, I really wanna use the lounge, so I booked an executive room, assuming it would be crowded.
Assuming this is the case, let's discuss the benefits of being a Diamond member.

Gold StatusDiamond StatusNote
UpgradeUp to Executive roomUp to Suite roomExpectations are low due to the busy season
LoungeWhen staying in an executive roomAvailable at any roomLounge access is mandatory
Booking Standard room- Lounge unavailable
- 5,000 yen cheaper than original book
- Lounge available
- 5,000 yen cheaper than original book
Total 10,000 yen cheaper than original book
ResultBooking Executive roomBooking Standard roomBy a Diamond member,
10,000 yen cheaper than original and Lounge available

First of all, Gold members are only upgraded up to Executive and will not be upgraded any further.
Diamond members, on the other hand, may be upgraded to a one-bed suite, but will still have access to the Executive Lounge.
Considering that I stayed two nights at Hilton Nagoya, I could have booked a standard room on HPCJ's cheapest plan as a Diamond member and saved about 10,000 yen (for two nights).

4) Access to Executive Lounge

I'm sure this goes without saying, and I'm sure all of you want to use it.
Diamond members can also complete the check-in process in the lounge, which is a very useful benefit if the entrance is crowded.
Especially true of the COVID-19 disaster.
Diamond members who can get cheapest reservations by HPCJ benefit seems make sense the strongest in my opinion:) *only in Japan
I hope to update my record of lounge usage as a Diamond member in the future.







対象外となる条件ヒルトン会員規約ポイントの獲得 第3条参照。
・$1につき10ポイント x $100 x 2泊 = 2,000ベースポイント
・$1につき10ポイント x $100 x 2泊 = 2,000ボーナスポイント
・$1につき10ポイント x $100 x 4泊 = 4,000ベースポイント
・$1につき20ポイント x $100 x 4泊 = 8,000ボーナスポイント
お問い合わせ先TEL: +800-44-45-86-67

 ※1) キャンペーン期間中に獲得できるボーナスポイントの合計数に上限はありません
 ※2) キャンペーンの例と詳細については、よくあるご質問のページをご覧ください
 ※3) ボーナスポイントがお客様のアカウントに積算されるまで、ご滞在完了後6~8週間かかります
 ※4) 「滞在」とは、途中一度チェックアウトした後チェックインした場合も含め、同一ホテルでの連続した宿泊を指します

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